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How to travel to Chanthaburi (Thailand)

Travel in Thailand

All information you need to reach Chanthaburi from Bangkok.

Google Earth™ localization:
12°36'27.52"N, 102°06'52.76"E

>By road

puce Road map Bangkok - Chanthaburi
puce City map of Chanthaburi
puce Access map to Gemsbrokers office in Chanthaburi

>By bus
Coming from Bangkok by bus is pratical and economical...

From Bangkok to Chanthaburi - Boarding at Eastern Bus Terminal (Ekkamai) on Sukhumvit
Departures are every hour from 5 AM to 11PM
Time of travel: 3 - 4hrs.
First class with air conditionning - Price: 196 Baht

From Chanthaburi Bus station to Bangkok
Departures are every hour, from 2 AM to 12 PM
Board here for other destinations: Rayong, Pattaya, Trat, Koh Chang, Buriram, etc.

>By taxi
Coming by taxi from Bangkok
Time of travel: 2:30 to 3:30 hrs
> Taxis-limos: Benz 200 or Toyota Camry. Fee is: From airport (booking inside airport terminal): 4 500 - 5 000 THB
> Regular city taxis: Toyota, Nissan or other mid size car.
Fees from the airport (outside terminal): 2 500 - 2 800 THB
Fees from Downtown Bangkok: 2 800 - 3 000 THB.

Taxi is the best way to get around Chanthaburi
Price samples (for 1, 2, or 3 passengers)
• ride inside city: 40 Baht
• ride Bus station-Hotel KP Grand: 50 Baht
• ride Bus station-Hotel Maneechan Resort: 70 Baht

in Chanthaburi

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