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Floods affect Jaipur market
Gemstone shapes
Jaipur . 2007-08-12
Gemstone market news
Floods affect Jaipur market
As monsoon seems to weaken, its intensity already affects Jaipur gem market

Weather forecasts did their job to prevent disasters in Rajasthan and our manufacturers moved their production from ground to top floors in flood-risk producing areas.
Prior monsoon, future was bright for them as they had big orders coming not only from international markets, but also from India.
As rain was arriving on our city, cancelled orders started to come from affected states.
Bombay anticipated the alarm and quickly cancelled orders waiting to see the effect on jewelry shop sales.
As a result, a lot of material in calcedony, quartz, moonstone, for the most part are available in the market for highly discounted prices.

Source : Roger Pingley
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